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How to Join #HowDoYouGP

How to Join #HowDoYouGP

Thank you for your interest in joining #HowDoYouGP! These are our guidelines and recommendations for creating a good post.

Posts for Teams

Create a short video telling a story about a time Gracious Professionalism has helped your team. This can be an instance where your team displayed GP to someone else, another team showed GP to you, or your team used GP to guide others through a situation, etc.

  • Begin by introducing yourself with your team number and division of FIRST. Mention if you were asked to share your story by another team.

“Hi this is FRC team 0000 and we were asked by team 9999 #HowDoYouGP?”

  • Tell your story, try to keep it under a minute and a half, and feel free to add pictures or videos that relate to your story!
  • End your story by asking at least two other teams #HowDoYouGP?
  • If you want to see an example post from our Instagram, click here.

Posts for Individuals 

Create a short video telling a story about a time Gracious Professionalism has helped you as an individual. This can be an instance on your team, in school, in your personal life, when interacting with other people, etc. 

  • Begin by introducing yourself, you may mention the team you’re associated with if you wish. Mention if you were asked to share your story by someone else.

“Hi this is Jane with FTC team 00000 and I was asked by team 99999 #HowDoYouGP?”

  • Tell your story, try to keep it under a minute and a half, and feel free to add pictures or videos that relate to your story!
  • End your story by asking at least two other people #HowDoYouGP?

Have fun and thank you for helping us spread the word about Gracious Professionalism! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at If your team has a video of #HowDoYouGP on your social media that you would like to have shared on our social media platforms, fill out a contact form here.

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